One of my favorite things to buy and sell is a type of British ceramics referred to by many collectors and dealers as "mochaware". It's hard to believe I've never written a blog about it. The term itself is a real one but it is typically used to describe a large group of wares, of which mocha is a small subset.
This is an example of mochaware.
This is not.
The decoration referred to as "dendritic", "seaweed", "tree", or "tasty part of the broccoli" is what sets mochaware apart. More accurate terms for examples within the larger category but outside of mocha might include adjectives like slip-decorated, slip-banded and dipped. The bodies are creamware or pearlware. Do I include "mocha" as a search term when I'm trying to sell a slip-decorated pot online? Yes. But I usually qualify it with "so-called". That's right - I'm outing myself as the "So-called mochaware" guy.
All the photos above and below show pieces I've owned or still own. Enjoy!